Executive Summary of the 2022 Amendments to Title 15
In 2022, the Pennsylvania legislature made major changes to the nonprofit corporation law (found in Title 15 of Pennsylvania’s Consolidated Statutes). This 10-page executive summary of those changes succinctly captures what’s new, focusing on how the amendments impact nonprofit corporations. Clear and easy to read, this time-saving resource distills the complexity of the 165-page PDF of redlined changes made to Act 122 (drawn from House Bill 2057) and includes citations to specific statutory provisions.
For more about how Title 15 impacts nonprofits, see Stern’s Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law (3rd Edition, May 2022). A forthcoming 2023 supplement to this treatise will provide more details and a deeper discussion of the 2022 amendments. Be sure to sign up for updates so that you receive alerts when we post this new content.
This document is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer with experience representing Pennsylvania nonprofits before signing and filing documents. Every startup nonprofit is different, and a lawyer can help guide you through the startup process and the important considerations relevant for your particular organization.