is designed to help accelerate and elevate the work of lawyers who are serving Pennsylvania’s nonprofits. can help you get up to speed quickly on topics and help you work more efficiently to serve the needs of nonprofits. Whether the nonprofits you serve are paying or pro bono clients – or whether you are a board member and simply want to connect the organization with resources – you’ll find helpful materials on this site. For legal professionals who want a deeper dive and more information about the laws governing Pennsylvania nonprofits, offers more advanced resources, such as annotated statutes and more technical explanations and tools that help distill complex legal matters. From the Products page, download checklists, template agreements, and other time-saving tools that you can swiftly support the legal needs of your nonprofit clients. (Just remember: in whatever capacity you serve, if you are serving on the board of a nonprofit organization, make your role clear and document it in writing for the organization.)